Chicago, Illinois, USA





Kirchweih in Karlsdorf

Kirchweih in Chicago

Karlsdorfer Talent

Karlsdorf Map
















If you would like to become a member of our club we would heartily welcome you.

Please contact: peggy@karlsdorf.org

Dave Dreyer has spent an extraordinary amount of time culling the records of ship passenger lists and he has compiled a list of passenger names from the Banat.
You can also go through the rest of the site searching by name, by village or by destination.  These lists are by no means comprehensive since our ancestors came through a variety of ports as well as through Canada. Some passenger lists are not as easily accessible. Our thanks to Dave Dreyer for his very thorough and valuable work.


The village of Karlsdorf is named Banatski Karlovac.  There has been website since 2000 that has some old photographs, a guest book, some postcards and other information.  It is presented in Serbian, German and English.  Make sure that your browser hasn't blocked pop-up windows or you won't be able to access the links on the left.



If you are interested in genealogy and other information on the Donauschwaben, the following links should get you started.  There are two mailing lists that you can subscribe to for free and one via the AKDFF in Sindelfingen that requires a paid membership.




DVHH -a website that keeps growing

Catholic Diocese in the Vojvodina

©2008-2011 Karlsdorf.org